Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeRoads, bridges & Canals100 kms long, 12-day standstill traffic jam in China.

100 kms long, 12-day standstill traffic jam in China.

China once witnessed a traffic jam of epic proportions – a monstrous 100 kilometers (62 miles) long! This nightmarish gridlock brought vehicles to a standstill for a staggering 12 days in August 2010. The location? The Beijing-Tibet Expressway, a vital artery connecting the capital to the vast Tibetan plateau.

So, what caused this automotive purgatory? A confluence of factors was to blame. A surge in heavy trucks hauling coal to Beijing choked the highway. On top of that, ongoing road construction narrowed lanes, further restricting traffic flow. Minor accidents and breakdowns compounded the chaos, creating a domino effect that brought everything to a grinding halt.

Imagine being stuck for days on end, inching forward at a glacial pace. Drivers endured scorching summer heat, dwindling supplies, and frustration. Some enterprising vendors saw an opportunity, selling overpriced essentials like food and water to stranded motorists.

This record-breaking jam became a stark illustration of China’s booming economy and its growing pains. It highlighted the need for improved infrastructure and better traffic management strategies. While the situation eventually resolved, the 100-kilometer odyssey remains a cautionary tale and a reminder of the challenges that come with massive growth.

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