Loffredo, a French man known as ‘The Black Alien,’ has undergone extreme body modifications to achieve an extraterrestrial appearance. He began his body modification journey at the age of 26. Some of the procedures he has undergone include:
- Rhinoplasty – Nose reshaping to remove his nose.
- Otoplasty – Ear reshaping to remove his ears.
- Splitting his tongue.
- Implanting horns on his forehead.
- Tattooing his entire body, including his eyeballs.
- Amputating part of his fingers and potentially planning to amputate his legs.
Motivation and Inspiration:
Loffredo has not publicly mentioned his motivation, but he has expressed a fascination with transhumanism – a movement exploring the potential for humans to transcend their body limitations through science. He has also described a desire to push the boundaries of human appearance and create a form of art through his body.
Speaking on an episode of the Club 113 podcast, Loffredo said: “I can’t find a job, there’s lots of negative stuff. It could be positive because you feel better, but you have to know there’s also a dark side.”
Loffredo added that, “This type of change, it’s not just a tattoo, it’s something bigger.”
“It’s a fight every day, because every day you find new people who don’t understand, who want to judge.”
Loffredo’s transformation has gained a huge following online, with over a million followers on Instagram. Some praise his transformations, while others highly criticize them.
“You can’t judge someone, no one knows what’s inside someone’s head, why they’re doing that, you need to talk with this person.”
Health professionals have expressed concerns about potential health risks from his procedures.
Current Status:
As of December 2023, Loffredo announced he was halting further body modifications on his upper body and focusing on covering his remaining body with ink. It is unclear whether he will proceed with the leg amputation or any other modifications in the future.”